Nonna Caterina didn’t always have hours to pull together a lasagna (see Lasagna al Ragù di Lady Caterina), but she never cut corners on deliciousness. One of her go-to weekday dishes was pasta baked with meatballs bound together with melted cheese. There’s a big controversy in Italy about pasta and meatballs. It’s not typical in most of its fiercely regional cuisines so many Italians write it off as a purely American invention. After all, spaghetti (a first course) and meatballs (a second course) are traditionally served separately. Still, I know for a fact that many families, including mine, have gone against the grain and served pasta with meatballs for generations. All over the south of Italy and in parts of Abruzzo, nonne bake trays of pasta studded with tiny meatballs, proving that the combination does indeed exist!